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Upcoming Events Conferences

26 - 30
Aug 2024
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
CQIQC-X: 10th International Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control
26 - 29
Aug 2024
Konstanz, Germany
Collective Phenomena: From Out-of-Equilibrium Many-Body States to Bosonic Codes and Dynamical Gauge Fields
01 - 06
Sep 2024
Near Brisbane, Queensland Australia
FINESS2024 : FInite temperature Non-Equilibrium Superfluid Systems
02 - 13
Sep 2024
Crete, Greece
The Conference on Frontiers of Matterwave Optics (FOMO2024)
14 - 25
Oct 2024
Les Houches, France
Les Houches Predoc School 2024
14 - 18
Oct 2024
Natal (Brazil)
Brazilian-German Wilhelm and Else Heraeus (WEH) Seminar on Superconductivity and Superfluidity: From condensed matter to ultracold quantum gases
16 - 20
Jun 2025
Portland, Oregon, USA
DAMOP 2025: The 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
29 - 05
Jul / Aug 2025
Sapporo, Japan
ICPEAC 2025: The 34th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions
01 - 05
Sep 2025
Krakow, Poland
Quantum Optics 11