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1st CAPS School on Ultracold Atoms

The 1st “CAPS School on Ultracold Atoms” will take place in Barcelona on 16th-18th November 2022, as a satellite event of the “Cold Atom Workshop 2022” in Madrid. 

This highly international Training will gather well-renowned lecturers in the ultracold-atom community: 

in order to discuss wide-ranging topics in the context of: 

  • Bose Gases
  • Fermi Gases
  • Rydberg Atoms
  • Optical Lattices
  • Out-of-equilibrium Physics
  • Quantum Optics
  • Condensed Matter

The School will be vibrant but conducted in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Two poster sessions are also planned, to give the participants plenty of time to present their work. Given its own highly multidisciplinary nature, the School is open to participants at every level (Master, PhD, Postdoc, Staff). 

Deadline for registration: 30th September 2022


The event aims at gathering members of the Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) and the Foro de Física de Átomos Fríos (FFAF). It is supported by the Cold Atom Physics Spain (CAPS) network of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

The CAPS2022 organizing committee 

Gregory Astrakharchik (UPC & UB - Barcelona)

Giulia De Rosi (UPC - Barcelona)

Pietro Massignan (UPC - Barcelona)

Leticia Tarruell (ICFO - Barcelona)


Michele Modugno (UPV/EHU - Bilbao)

Gerard Pascual (UPC - Barcelona)