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Summer School on "Topology and Interactions in Optical Lattices"

Dear colleagues,

Within the DFG Research Unit FOR 2414 "Artificial Gauge Fields and Interacting Topological Phases in Ultracold Atoms" we are pleased to announce a summer school on "Topology and Interactions in Optical Lattices", Goethe University Frankfurt, September 30 - October 2, 2020. [Update: Due to ongoing restrictions on travel and meetings as a result of COVID-19, the summer school will be held online, with dates unchanged.]

Topics covered by the School include engineering of artificial gauge fields in ultracold quantum gases, topological insulators and band structures, topological order in strongly correlated systems, experimental platforms from solids to quantum simulators, Floquet engineering and effects of driving in synthetic topological quantum matter.


Leticia Tarruell (ICFO Barcelona)
Christof Weitenberg (University of Hamburg)
Ulrich Schollwöck (LMU Munich)
Nicolas Regnault (ENS Paris)
Nathan Goldman (Free University of Brussels)
Oded Zilberberg (ETH Zurich)
Giovanna Morigi (Saarland University)

We kindly ask you to please forward this information to potential candidates and encourage them to apply. The school is open to about 40 participants, and is addressed to students and beginning postdocs. Admission to the School requires the presentation of a poster in a dedicated poster session.

For further details see

The deadline for application is September 1, 2020. [Update: due to the online-event, we have extended the application deadline]

Additional information on FOR 2414 can be found here:

Best regards,

The organizers: Walter Hofstetter, Monika Aidelsburger, Fabian Grusdt