Sanchez-Palencia Group
Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS - FR
The group conducts theoretical research on correlated quantum systems.
In regimes of parameters where matter and fields are governed by the
laws of quantum physics, the interplay of quantum interference and
particle interactions gives rise to fascinating phenomena, such as
Bose-Einstein condensation, Fermi degeneracy, superfluidity,
superconductivity, entanglement, and quantum phase transitions for
instance. In the group, our main efforts focus on the physics of systems
that constitute promising platforms for concrete realization of quantum technologies.
Together with other systems in condensed matter and quantum optics,
ultracold atoms have already produced milestone results, which turn
quantum technologies from dream to reality.
In the recent years quantum simulation
has established itself at the interface of experiments and theory.
Hence most of the recent dramatic advances on quantum simulations own
much to parallel experimental and theoretical developments. In the
group, we work along three main lines:
Propose new protocols for quantum simulation;
Elaborate relevant models to interpret and understand simulation results;
Develop new theoretical approaches for correlated quantum systems.
In this view, we develop both
analytical approaches (field theories, mean field approximation,
bosonization, ...)
and numerical techniques (nonlinear Schrödinger equation, path integral
quantum Monte Carlo, variational Monte Carlo, exact diagonalization,
static and dynamics DMRG, ...).
The main part of our work is purely theoretical but we also have
long-term collaborations with experimental groups