Salasnich Group
University of Padova - IT
University of Padova - IT
Group Homepage
The research activity of our group is focused on the investigation of degenerate quantum gases by using the methods of statistical mechanics and thermal field theory. We study the thermodynamics of weakly-interacting Bose and Fermi superfluids (alkali-metal atoms like rubidium, sodium and lithium, but also atomic hydrogen) trapped in magnetic or magneto-optical traps. We analyze single-particle and collective elementary excitations by numerically solving both Bologliubov-de Gennes and Popov equations. Moreover, we investigate dynamical properties of Bose-Einstein condensates by using the time-dependent 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which describes the macroscopic wave-function (order parameter) of the Bose condensate.
Presently we are investigating the dynamics (collective excitations and free expansion) of a two-component Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover and the formation of solitons in atomic mixtures of bosons and fermions. In particular, we are developing a reliable density functional for the unitary Fermi gas (infinite scattering length) at zero and finite teperature.
We are planning to start the analysis of the condensate properties of p-wave Fermi atoms and d-wave superconductors in the BCS-BEC crossover both in two and three dimensions. Moreover, we are working on the many-body quantum tunneling dynamics of spin-polarized fermions in a double-well potential.
Permanent Researchers and Staff
Luca Salasnich, Francesco Ancilotto, Flavio Toigo
Luca Salasnich, Francesco Ancilotto, Flavio Toigo