Two-species mixture of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases
First observation:
DFG! -
report: Dec. 22, 2001

Z. Hadzibabic, C. A. Stan, K. Dieckmann, S. Gupta, M. W. Zwierlein, A. Görlitz and W. Ketterle
[Historical report created from submission:]
"We have produced a macroscopic quantum system in which a Li-6 Fermi sea coexists with a large and stable Na-23 Bose-Einstein condensate. This was accomplished using inter-species sympathetic cooling of fermionic Li-6 in a thermal bath of bosonic Na-23."
Published in Physical Review Letters
Updated: 27 Jul 2005
[Received 26 December 2001; published 4 April 2002] Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 160401 (2002)