Strine debut
First observation:
BEC! -
report: May 3, 2001

Jessica Lye, Cameron Fletcher, Dr. Ulrich Kallmann, Dr. John Close
[Historical report created from GSU BEC Homepage:]
"Just a short note to let you know the news from Canberra, Australia. The atom optics group in the Department of Physics at the ANU (Jessica Lye, Cameron Fletcher, Dr. Ulrich Kallmann and group leader Dr. John Close) saw BEC 87Rb on the 3rd of May. We have a double MOT system and trap 3 x 109 atoms in the lower magnetic trap prior to evaporation. We pass through the transition to BEC with 5 x 106atoms after an RF ramp from 20 MHz to 1.3 MHz.
More details can be found at our web page"