Stanford group weighs in

[Historical report created from GSU BEC Homepage:]
"The following news is just in from Stanford University.
Brian Anderson, a graduate student in the research group of Mark Kasevich, observed BEC on June 28, 1997 at Stanford University.
The condensation parameters were as follows:
- Number of atoms at transition: ~ 10,000
- Transition temperature: ~ 300 nK
- Species: 87Rb, |F MF> = |2 2>
- Trap type: TOP (10 kHz)
- Trap axial frequency: ~ 1 kHz
- Loading: Vapor cell
- Loading time: 150 sec
- Evaporation time: 24 sec
Update [May 1998]: At the 1998 DAMOP meeting, the Kasevich group reported the reconstruction of the apparatus and the generation of BEC at Yale University, attaining 103 - 104 condensate atoms."
Published in Physical Review A
Updated: 30 Jun 2006
"Spatial observation of Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb in a confining potential," B. P. Anderson and M. A. Kasevich, Phys. Rev. A 59, R938-R941 (1999).