Little chip; big BEC.
First observation:
BEC! -
report: April 27, 2005
S. Aubin, M. Extavour, S. Myrskog, L. LeBlanc, J. Esteve, S. Singh, P. Scrutton, D. McKay, R. McKenzie, I. Leroux, A. Stummer, and J. H. Thywissen
On April 27, 2005, we observed a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in our lab. While not the first BEC in the world -- in fact there's already a BEC down the hall from us -- it has demonstrated the effectiveness of our hybrid approach to microfabricated traps. We have seen pure condensates with as many as 2×105 atoms, unusually high for clouds evaporatively cooled in chip traps. The condensate is trapped and evaporated on a chip that measures only 16×28mm, but since we form our MOT using a 6-beam configuration (instead of a mirror MOT), we can capture 109 Rb atoms in the MOT and fill the magnetic chip trap up to its trap-depth-limited capcity (about 3×107).
For more information, see our web page announcement.