Home of the Whopper
[Historical report created from GSU BEC Homepage:]
"In the early evening, September 23, we have realized a Rb-BEC in a new and compact setup at Hamburg University. Slow atoms from an upper 2D-MOT beam, similar to the one in Amsterdam, are captured within 10 sec in a lower 3D-MOT and subsequently transferred into an especially designed cloverleaf- and D-magnetic trap (255 Hz and 11 Hz measured trap frequencies). After 15 sec rf-evaporation we observe the onset of BEC in the usual time-of-flight images. In the first measurements we have measured 1 to 2 x 106 atoms in the condensate fraction.
On the figure above:
Left: condensate surrounded by thermal cloud; right: a nearly pure Bose-Einstein condensate.
These results were achieved by the team of
- Holger Schmaljohann (Ph.D. student)
- Michael Erhard (Ph.D. student)
- Jochen Kronjaeger (Ph.D. student)
- Markus Kottke (Ph.D. student)
- Sebastian van Staa (diploma student)
- Kai Bongs (post-doc)
- Klaus Sengstock (professor)
We are looking forward to a lot of fun with BEC's in Hamburg. For further information, see the group web page."