First molecular Li BEC at the FeLiKx Project
First observation:
MolBEC! -
report: Dec. 2, 2006

Eric Wille, Frederik Spiegelhalder, Gabriel Kerner, Devang Naik, Andreas Trenkwalder, Clarice Aiello, Raquel Chulia Jordan, Gerhard Hendl, Florian Schreck, and Rudolf Grimm
The Fermionic Lithium Potassium Experiment (FeLiKx) at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) is being built to study a new class of strongly interacting many-body quantum systems. After starting to set up the experiment in October 2004, we have achieved our first quantum degenerate gas of lithium molecules on December 2, 2006.