Elusive beast trapped at last
First observation:
BEC! -
report: Oct. 5, 2002

Tino Weber, Jens Herbig, Michael Mark, Hanns-Christoph Nдgerl, Rudi Grimm.
[Historical report created from GSU BEC Homepage:]
"Stirring news of the first Bose-Einstein condensate in atomic cesium, in an optical trap at the University of Innsbruck.
Figure above: Time-of-flight images of the Cs condensate at Innsbruck.
Work accomplished by the group consisting of
- Tino Weber (graduate student)
- Jens Herbig (graduate student)
- Michael Mark (undergraduate student)
- Hanns-Christoph Nдgerl (project leader)
- Rudi Grimm (group leader) "