Theory post-doc

One year position with possible extension of up to three years
in the just started project "Nonergodic dynamics in systems without disorder" realized in collaboration with
Slovenia (Lev Vidmar). Below is the link to official announcement (in polish - use google translator or some polish friend :-)
While formal requirements are in the above announcements please address all the corespondence and questions to
I look for enthusiastic people up to 7 years after PhD at the moment of employment, with good working knowledge of
quantum mechanics, preferably also statistical physics or many-body, efficient in programming (C++ and/or Python etc.).
The position requires good analytic and numerical skills as well as a desire to work within a group also supervising on a daily basis PhD and master students. We shall look for models that will help us to understand nonergodic dynamics in disorder free systems (e.g. due to quasiperiodic perturbations, tilted lattices etc.) with a particular attention to systems possible to realise in cold-atomic setting. for recent works on the subject please inspect my page
while the department can be inspected at Atomic Optics Department, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University
web page
Inquires please address to
Table-tennis abilities are welcome. We provide friendly atmosphere in a dynamically developing Department.
Krakow is a beautiful, friendly city with population of about 900 000 + 100000 students + ~150000 refugees from Ukraine.