Quantum and Classical Simulations of Curved Spacetime (Analogue Gravity)

n the Theory of Cold Atoms group of Prof. Uwe R. Fischer at Seoul National University,
a Postdoc position is open in the field of simulations of curved spacetime (aka analogue gravity).
Previous published experience in analogue gravity is required.
Possible physical realizations include, but are not limited to, ultracold quantum gases, ion traps, condensates of light, and graphene.
Topics include, inter alia, implementations of analogues of trans-Planckian physics in cosmology and Hawking radiation of black holes, the proper treatment of the quantum backreaction problem, information scrambling by analogue black holes, analogue gravity in nonlinear media, entanglement and steering in curved spacetime, and quantum metrology in curved spacetime.
Initial appointment is for one year with a possible extension to two years.