Professor position in quantum optics and quantum information physics – all levels

This full-time (tenure-track or tenure depending on experience) appointment includes research and teaching physics at bachelor, master and postgraduate level as well as supervising master and doctoral theses.
The selected candidate will develop original research at the international level in advanced experimental quantum optics in relation to emerging quantum technologies and secure external funding. He/she will also take on organizational and administrative duties at department and faculty level.
We are seeking a candidate with proven international scientific reputation, with a wide range of skills and knowledge, including very good understanding of quantum optics and quantum information physics. Expertise in quantum systems (e.g., quantum memories, superconducting qubits, quantum materials or quantum sensors) is desired. Moreover, the candidate’s research should combine fundamental physics aspects and applications in quantum information and quantum communication. Other required skills are the ability to coordinate a research group, pedagogical skills for teaching and the ability to initiate communication and outreach programs for the Faculty.
We offer financial, technical and administrative support to initiate the research. The employment is available from October 1, 2018 onwards.
Applications include:
- Cover letter
- CV together with a full list of publications
- up to ten scientific achievements, submitted together with a short introduction highlighting the relevance to the position profile.
- Two page outline of your relevant research and plans for research activity in the position (research statement)
- Copy of highest degrees/diploma
- List of referees who can later be contacted directly by the search committee. Recommendation letters are not requested for now
- other relevant documentation.
Applications should be submitted before May 8, 2018 to the following address:
Faculty of mathematics and physics,
University of Ljubljana
Kadrovska služba
Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana
Or via e-mail:
Complementary information may be obtained at the following e-mail address :