Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Theory of Cold Atoms and Long-Range Radiative Dipolar Interactions

Applications are invited for an EPSRC funded 28 months (at first instance with a possibility for extension) Postdoctoral position in theoretical cold atom physics, at the Department of Physics, Lancaster University. Cold atomic gases cooperatively coupled with light provide a rich strongly interacting quantum many-body system. The aim of the project is to study long-range dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms and their cooperative behaviour. The light-mediated interactions can be engineered and manipulated for applications in quantum technologies and to simulate novel strongly interacting quantum systems, e.g., in the context of hybrid systems of atoms and nanophotonic structures.
A suitable candidate would be a highly motivated researcher with a PhD in Physics, or in a closely related discipline and should also have an outstanding track record of research commensurate with their stage of career. Experience in one of the following topics would be advantageous: many-body physics, cold atom physics, quantum optics, computational physics, quantum physics. Experience in providing theoretical support for experimentalists can also be beneficial.
The appointment will be for 28 months (at first instance with a possible extension) at the Department of Physics, Lancaster University, commencing on 1 January 2019 or soon after (negotiable).
The Department of Physics at Lancaster University is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our department.
For informal enquiries, including further information on the project, please contact Prof. Janne Ruostekoski Email:
We welcome applications from people in all diversity groups.
Apply online and/or find further information at
Lancaster University – ensuring equality of opportunity and celebrating diversity.