Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ultracold Atoms at the University of Toronto

The Ultracold Atoms group at the University of Toronto is seeking one or two postdoctoral fellows. The successful candidate would play a leading role in a team of graduate students and collaborating scientists, exploring the many-body quantum physics of interacting Fermi gases. Recent work and continuing themes of research include transport dynamics, universality near Feshbach resonances, collisions with orbital (p-wave) character, low-dimensional systems, and quantum gas microscopy. Existing partnerships exist with theory groups at JILA Boulder, ENS Paris, U Heidelberg, and the University of Hong Kong. A new collaboration has been formed with JILA, the University of Innsbruck, and the University of Maryland to create and control large-scale entangled quantum matter. The candidate would be in a leadership role to participate in these collaborations, develop new scientific directions, bring experimental measurements to fruition, and present results at several conferences per year.
The starting salary would be $55,000 Canadian dollars per year. Eligible candidates will also be nominated for fellowships offered by the CQIQC, NSERC, and other external agencies. Postdoctoral fellows at the University of Toronto receive a full benefits package, as described at this page, along with other helpful information. Applications are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international applicants. Immigration to Canada is fairly straightforward, and after three months one is considered an Ontario resident, and thus eligible for universal health care offered to all Canadians.
Toronto is a diverse and prosperous city (some statistics here) regularly ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world, and Canada is the happiest country in the G8. Living costs are quite affordable on a postdoctoral fellow's salary, which is above the city-wide average: one can expect to pay roughly one-third of salary for an apartment in the city centre.
One postdoctoral fellow position is available immediately, with a second position expected to open later in 2019. Because of this, start dates for the position are flexible. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis -- and this ad will be taken offline once the position is filled. To apply, please send a curriculum vitae and contact information for several references to Prof. Joseph H. Thywissen, at