Postdoc positions in ultracold Fermi gas experiments

The group of Prof. Yoav Sagi at the Physics faculty at the Technion seeks to fill two experimental postdoctoral positions. The group expertise is ultracold atomic gases with a focus on quantum many-body phenomena of strongly-interacting Fermi gases. One of the postdoc positions is offered in the degenerate Fermi gas lab and is aimed to lead a research on the dynamics of out-of-equilibrium strongly-interacting Fermi gases. The second position is in offered in a new tweezer array experiment, where the goal is to capture and control single fermionic atoms in microscopic optical tweezers and use them for quantum computation and simulation. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Physics and have relevant lab experience. The initial appointment is for one year with the intention to extend it to another one or two years. The salary is set by the Technion around 144,000 ILS (~$45,000) per year. Eligible candidates will also be nominated for internal and external fellowships. The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology is situated in Haifa, a lively city nestled on the Carmel Mountain on the shores of the Mediterranean sea. The cost of living in Haifa is quite affordable, with an average expenditure on renting an apartment being less than third of the fellowship.
To apply, please send a CV, publication list, research statement and contact information for at least three references to Prof. Yoav Sagi at The starting date of the position is flexible, and candidates will be interviewed on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.