Postdoc Positions in Experimental Cold Atom Physics

What You Will Do
The Quantum Technologies Team in LANL's MPA-Q Group is seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers in experimental atomic and optical physics. Current research conducted by our team of four staff, five postdocs, and two students focuses on atomtronics [New J. Phys. 19 , 020201, (2017)] and quantum information science [Phys. Rev. A 101, 030301(R) (2020)] with ultracold atoms. The new postdocs will share responsibility for developing a number of new research directions. These include quantum metrology with a waveguide atom interferometer, application of cutting-edge machine learning to quantum technologies, development of new cold atom qubits, quantum simulation with arrays of cold Rydberg atoms, and experimental implementation of quantum algorithms developed by our LANL theory colleagues.
Applicants should have substantial experience with experiments either in cold atom physics or in areas that have equipped them to learn the relevant physics quickly.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. While the nominal start date for these positions is October 1 2020, it may be possible to accommodate earlier or later starts.
The LANL Postdoctoral Program is a pipeline for hiring technical staff at the Laboratory, many of whom first joined LANL as postdocs. The Laboratory encourages its postdoc mentors to help their postdocs explore possibilities for conversion to a permanent staff position.
What You Need
Minimum Job Requirements
- Demonstrated ability to conduct independent research in experimental atomic physics or in areas requiring similar experimental and technical skills.
- Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously in a diverse team.
Desired Qualifications
- Knowledge of cold atom physics.
- An excellent track record of publications and experience presenting at conferences.
Note to Applicants
Questions can be sent to Malcolm Boshier at
Candidates may be considered for a Director's Postdoc Fellowship and outstanding candidates may be considered for the prestigious Richard P. Feynman, Darleane Christian Hoffman, J. Robert Oppenheimer, or Frederick Reines Distinguished Postdoc Fellowships.
For more information about the LANL Postdoc Program, including salary and benefits, go to