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PostDoc position (theory) at Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University

position expired
Krakow Poland
Applications are invited for a postdoc position in the theory group of Jakub Zakrzewski. Our research concentrates on modelling cold quantum gases physics in traps and optical lattices with current interests involving orbital physics, excitations in many body systems, finite temperature effects, dynamics and approach towards equilibrium. Effects induced by disorder are also of prime importance. The group consists presently of two professors (Jakub Zakrzewski, Krzysztof Sacha) and 7 PhD students, the successful candidate is expected to interact vigorusly both with the old and the young members of the group. Applicants should contact us directly at providing: 1. Curriculum vitae 2. List of publications 3. 1, max.2 pages stating research interests and possible overlap with interests of our group. 4. Name and email addresses of three potential referees The position is for 1 year, renewable. The deadline for applications in 30 November 2012. Later applications will be considered if the position is not filled by that time. Starting date - anytime, negotiable within reasonable bounds.