Postdoc position for strontium cavity QED project

A revolution is taking place in the field of atomic clocks and quantum gases due to the advent of ultracold alkaline-earth-like atoms, such as Sr and Yb. An ultra narrow optical transition combined with other unique features of their rich level structure has allowed optical clocks to reach breathtaking levels of clock stability in the 10-18 range. Alkaline-earth-like atoms have also opened new avenues for quantum gas research, where their level structure gives access to paradigmatic models of SU(N) magnetism. We are setting up an ultracold strontium experiment to combine these attractive properties with the interaction and measurement possibilities offered by cavity QED. This is feasible and extremely promising due to the recent progress in ultracold Sr experiments combined with a unique microcavity technology developed in our group. This will allow us to apply quantum metrology techniques to the transitions used in the best atomic clocks. In a second step, we will add a miniaturized quantum gas microscope on the intracavity optical lattice, opening exciting perspectives at the interface of quantum information and quantum gas physics.
This work is supported by the ERC Advanced Grant EQUEMI – Entanglement and Quantum Engineering with optical Microcavities.
Please directly contact Jakob Reichel.