Post-doctoral position in theoretical ultra-cold atomic physics

Description: We will theoretically investigate the physics of a highly excited Rydberg atom within a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC).The candidate will be expected to help guiding students in the group and survey or develop quantum mechanical methods for the numerical modelling of the system described above.
Requirements: Essential:
1. Ph.D. or post-doctoral experience in quantum theory.
2. Experience in numerical work / simulations.
3. Experience in writing published journal papers in English.
4. Experience in ultra cold atomic physics / Rydberg atoms.
5. Experience in analytical work.
6. Experience with open quantum systems.
Details: The salary is according to experience, in the range Rs. 39000 - Rs. 48000 including HRA. The position is initially available for one year, and may be extended up to two or three depending on performance and funding.
Application: The selection will commence on 15th Nov 2018, but the call will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.Please send your application package consisting of (i) coverletter, (ii) CV, (iii) research statement, (iv) contact details of at least two referees and (v) PhD-thesis and papers (if available) directly to sebastian[ad] Shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview and talk in Bhopal (we cannot provide TA).