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Post-doctoral Position : Chromium BEC

position expired
Paris area - France
OPEN POSTDOCTORAL POSITION (Q4 2011) in the COLD ATOMS group of the Laser Physics Laboratory at the Paris Nord University The Paris Nord University (Paris 13) is a French public research university. Its main campus is located in Villetaneuse, France, about 10 km away from Paris city center. Within its science division, Laser Physics Laboratory (LPL) pursues forefront research in atomic, molecular and optical physics. It has over 60 members including permanent staff, graduate students and post-doctoral associates. Within LPL, the Cold Atoms group studies dipolar quantum fluids made of dipolar chromium atoms. We invite applications for a postdoctoral research associateship funded by the French Research Agency, CNRS, starting on October 1st, 2011. Project Our group is one of the two only groups worldwide that can produce dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates made of chromium atoms. Those systems are appealing due to the strong dipole-dipole interactions that impact on their properties. The postdoctoral research associate is expected to play a determinant role in: -the creation of a Fermi sea of chromium atoms; -the analysis of the unusual properties of bosonic and fermionic quantum gases in which the long-ranged, anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) play an essential role: magnetic properties, thermodynamics properties, excitation spectrum, spinor physics, …; -the realization of quantum simulation experiments by transfer of those quantum gases into optical lattices. Our activity is strongly supported by the French Research and University Ministry (CPER 2007-2012 contract), by CNRS, by the Paris Nord University and by the Paris Region Council through IFRAF. Our team consists in 5 permanent members and two PhD students. The postdoctoral associate is not expected to give any lecture but he will participate in the formation and day-to-day supervision of the team PhD students and interns. The Team website gives more detailed information on the project. Eligibility and conditions Candidates must hold an internationally recognized PhD or equivalent degree at the beginning of the contract. Although appointment is offered for 12 months by CNRS, extension is possible through other funding agencies. Appointment is offered on October 1st, 2011 but one or two months delays are possible. For an anticipated start, candidates are invited to contact us. Contact and procedure Candidates may contact the group leader, Olivier Gorceix, by e-mail ( A formal application should be submitted by e-mail to the same address including: 1. The mailing label “postdoc CNRS 2011 and your last name”; 2. A Curriculum Vitae including your full address, e-mail address, present position and affiliation, degrees, previous appointments and positions, …. ; 3. A copy of your PhD diploma; 4. A presentation letter with a declaration of interest; 5. Contact e-mails of references. The decision will be made considering the following criteria: 1. Quality of the applicant; 2. Expertise in experimental cold atom physics; 3. Candidate’s project; 4. Publications and previous achievements; 5. References.