Post-Doc Quantum Physics theory

1-year Postdoctoral Researcher (ESQ Discovery Grant)
The position of a 1-year Postdoctoral Researcher is now open to applications. The successful candidate will join Dr. Thomas Bland and Prof. Francesca Ferlaino at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. The work concerns the question: “How ‘solid’ is a dipolar supersolid?” Following the observation of supersolidity in Bose-Einstein condensates comprised of atoms with a significant dipole moment four years ago, much research has focused on exploring the superfluidity of the crystallised state. Here, we wish to investigate the solidity of the state, by probing solid properties of the material, such as shear, strain, and the plasticity.
A PhD in Physics or a closely related field is required (or be close to completion). Candidates with an expertise in numerical and computational methods to tackle quantum many-body and mean-field theory are especially encouraged to apply. The expected start date is no later than 1st September 2023. The Gross salary for a Postdoctoral Researcher under the FWF is ~58k€ per annum. Check for up-to-date information and an Austrian Gross-Net calculator.
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Bland directly (email: and provide the following: a cover letter with a brief description of research interests, a CV including a full list of publications, and the contact information of two references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the anticipated position is filled.