PhD student position in the field of ultracold atomic gases and nuclear theory

The successful candidate will be investigating dynamical properties of strongly interacting fermionic superfluids being far from equilibrium state. In particular, he/she is expected to pursue studies of dynamics of quantum atomic gases (vortex and soliton dynamics, quantum turbulence) and/or dynamics of neutron star interiors, within the framework of the density functional theory, in particular with its time dependent version. Inevitably, high performance computing (HPC) will be essential part of the researches. Presently we use one of the fastest computing systems, like Piz Daint (CSCS, Switzerland), Titan (ORNL, USA) and Tsubame3.0 (GSIC Center, Japan). The candidate will be also partly involved in the software development for such systems. The position assumes also very strong collaboration with our partners from USA and Japan.
The successful candidate will be employed as a research assistant within the project: Investigation of quantum turbulence in strongly correlated Fermi systems (National Science Center grant). It is expected that the candidate will defend his/her Ph.D. thesis within 4 years.
Employment status: Full-time, position starts July 01, 2018.
For more information see here.