PhD student in the field of ultracold atomic gases or nuclear theory

Job Description:
The successful candidate will be investigating dynamical properties of strongly interacting fermionic superfluids being far from equilibrium state. In particular, he/she is expected to pursue studies of dynamics of quantum atomic gases (vortex and soliton dynamics, quantum turbulence) and/or dynamics of neutron star interiors, within the framework of the density functional theory, in particular with its time dependent version. Inevitably, high performance computing (HPC) will be essential part of the researches. Presently we use one of the fastest computing systems, like Piz Daint (CSCS, Switzerland), Summit (ORNL, USA) and Tsubame3.0 (GSIC Center, Japan). The candidate will be also partly involved in the software development for such systems. The position assumes also very strong collaboration with our partners from USA and Japan.
The successful candidate will be employed as a research assistant within the project: Investigation of quantum turbulence in strongly correlated Fermi systems (National Science Center grant). It is expected that the candidate will defend his/her Ph.D. thesis within 4 years.
Applicants must have a M.Sc. degree, or foreign equivalent, and some experience in condensed matter theory, nuclear theory or quantum optics. We are looking for a candidate with basics knowledge of methods of many body quantum mechanics. Prospective candidate should have an interest in computational methods, and their application to solve physical problems. Knowledge of parallel programming techniques (OpenMP, MPI) or CUDA technology will be an advantage.
Employment status: Full-time, position should start around Aug, 2019 (precise date will be decided together with successful candidate)
Salary: 4,500 PLN per month (untaxed scholarship) + budget for travelings.
Application details:
The applications including CV, publication list and research statement should be submitted to Please include the subject 'phd student' in your email. Recommendation letter send by supervisor of M.Sc. thesis is expected.
Application deadline: June 15, 2018. Latter applications may also be considered.
Please include in your application the following statement: “I hereby give consent to process my personal data included in the offer, for the purposes of the recruitment procedure, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (Consolidated text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, 2016, item 922, as amended)”.
The candidate will be selected according rules of awarding scientific scholars in research projects funded by Polish National Center Science:
For more information contact Gabriel Wlazłowski,
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