PhD position in Quantum Thermodynamics of Ultracold Atoms

We have a PhD position available in the group of Prof Karen Kheruntsyan and Dr Ian McCulloch, to work on the Australian Research Council-funded project "Quantum thermodynamics of ultracold atoms” at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.
The project intends to develop fundamental understanding of whether the laws of classical thermodynamics also dictate the behaviour of processes at a quantum level, or whether new laws are needed. The project will involve the development of theoretical and computational many-body methods for characterising and simulating the nonequilibrium dynamics of ultracold quantum gases using a combination of techniques including tensor networks, t-DMRG, continuous MPS, hydrodynamic approaches, and c-field techniques. We will be applying these methods to various nonequilibrium thermodynamic protocols involving ultracold atoms in experimentally realistic scenarios. The key questions that this project will enable us to address are: (1) How do the classical ideas on the nature of heat and work translate to quantum devices; (2) How these ideas incorporate quantum superpositions and entanglement; (3) Do the laws of classical thermodynamics also dictate the behaviour of processes at a quantum level, or whether new laws are needed?
The PhD position is for 3 years and will remain open until filled. Applicants should contact Karen Kheruntsyan <> or Ian McCulloch <> for further details and include their CV for initial assessment.
Kind regards,
Karen Kheruntsyan and Ian McCulloch