PhD position in Sr Optical Clock with Continuous Operation

We are building a setup with novel research into physics and engineering identified by applications to ultimately achieve the next level of integration and practical usability. The research will in particular focus on solutions and schemes able to operate under environmental conditions of practical use. The specific objective is to demonstrate an optical clock operating with Sr vapour aiming frequency stability of 10-13/rt(Hz) and absolute accuracy of 1 ns over 3 months. The University of Birmingham provides opportunities to attend skills-related training courses and international conferences. We are looking for a suitable candidate who is hard working and motivated. The successful candidate will be embedded in an excellent eco-system with an excellent support at every level. The research group consists of several PhDs and PostDocs, as well as 4 state-of-the art labs equipped with 5 frequency combs, one active H maser and one UTC rack among various other facilities and equipments. If you are interested in the job, please apply via the University of Birmingham online portal. Full funding is only available for UK students. If you like to have more information about anything, please get in touch with Prof. Yeshpal Singh:
The link for application is: