PhD offer, Theory of ultracold Fermi gases, LPT Toulouse/Yale university

We are seeking a PhD student at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (LPT) in Toulouse to study properties of out-of-equilibrium quantum gases. The doctoral student will be funded by a 3-year PhD grant of the French governement and will be hosted by the "Strongly-interacting fermions" team of LPT. She/he will also be part of a collaboration with the experimental ``Ultracold Quantum Matter’’ team of Yale University, which includes extended research stays in the US.
Ultracold Fermi gases benefit from a strong experimental dynamism but some of their fundamental properties (particularly their out-of-equilibrium properties) remain poorly understood. The aim of the PhD will be to develop a theory (both ergodic and non-perturbative) able to describe the evolution of the gas after a sudden excitation, such as a quench. The results will be confronted to measurements from the Yale experiment, but we will also discuss applications to condensed matter systems, such as superconductors. A good knowledge of theoretical tools for many-body quantum physics, and a taste for analytical calculations is expected.
Interested candidates should contact Hadrien Kurkjian ( More information on the offer available on the LPT website.