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Opening for three scientific positions

position expired
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, ITALY
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is a small, world-class institution focused on research in basic sciences with responsibility for the promotion, dissemination and support of science, especially in developing countries. It operates under the aegis of UNESCO and IAEA.

ICTP is currently seeking to fill three positions in Condensed Matter Physics in any of the following areas.

Two P-3 posts:

  • theory of strongly correlated electron systems including disordered and mesoscopic systems; trapped cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation; low-dimensional and nano-systems;
  • computational condensed matter including ab-initio electronic structure studies; theoretical nanoscience; physics of surfaces and interfaces.
One P-4 post:
  • soft matter; granular systems; biologically oriented physics; physics of colloids and gels; theory of complex networks; theory of strongly correlated electron systems including disordered and mesoscopic systems; trapped cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation; low-dimensional and nano-systems; nonlinear dynamics; quantum communications.

The candidates are expected to carry out independent research in their fields. They should share the values of ICTP and take active part in its training activities, and assist and work with the scientific visitors.

All candidates must possess:
- Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral level in physics;
- Exceptional research work in any of the areas mentioned above (at least five years of post-Ph.D research for the P-3 posts and 10 years for the P-4 post);
- Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English;
- A positive attitude towards the international and multicultural characteristics of the assignment.

The positions are of continuing nature but their duration will be subject to the availability of funds. The salaries are exempt from income tax. For the P-3 posts, the annual salary starts currently at US$ 70,430 if there are no dependants and US$ 75,453 otherwise; for the P-4 post, the corresponding numbers are US$ 84,736 and US$ 90,994. The salaries are adjusted periodically to allow for the cost of living and exchange rates between the US dollar and the Euro, and there is an attractive benefits package including 30 days annual vacation, home travel, education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance.

Information and on line application forms are available at ICTP's intranet site at Deadline for receipt of applications: 31 March 2006.