Full Professorship in Experimental Quantum Technology

Full Professorship in Experimental Quantum Technology
Nanyang Technological University invites suitably qualified individuals to join as us as a Full Professor in Experimental Quantum Technology. The ideal candidate should
- Hold the rank of a full professorship at a world Top 100 university.• Have a track record of world-leading experimental research in areas related to continuous-variable quantum technology (e.g., continuous-variable quantum communications, quantum computing and quantum cryptography, atom-light interactions, quantum metrology, squeezed light generation).• Have demonstrated experience in commercialisation of quantum technology (e.g., co-founding a start-up in a related field, winner of awards related to innovation)• Demonstrate capacity to collaborate and synergise with existing researchers at NTU in areas of optical and quantum technology.
The successful candidate is expected to
(1) establish NTU as world-leader experimental quantum technology through attraction of competitive research funds, supervision of PhD students, and set-up of industry links and (2) aid in boosting the attractiveness of NTU’s recently established quantum engineering program among high-performing junior college and polytechnic students.
The College of Science seeks a diverse and inclusive workforce and is committed to equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from all and recruit on the basis of merit, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities, or disability.
Applicants are invited to submit their applications via https://ntu.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Careers/job/NTU-Main-Campus-Singapore/Full-Professor--with-tenure--in-Experimental-Continuous-Variable-Quantum-Technology_R00007679. Enquiries about the position can be addressed to Associate Professor Elbert Chia, at elbertchia@ntu.edu.sg. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. All applications and materials submitted will be held in strict confidence.