Experimental postdoc position - ultracold atomic mixtures

The Quantum Fluids team, led by Dr Kali Wilson, is currently recruiting a postdoc to work on a new ultracold quantum mixture apparatus at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, within the larger Experimental Quantum Optics and Photonics Group. The Royal Society funded project will develop a K-Rb quantum-mixture apparatus to enable studies of vortex dynamics in binary superfluids, with a particular emphasis on reduced dimensionality (e.g., quasi-2D disc, or quasi-1D ring geometries) where quantum fluctuations are enhanced.
Details about the post can be found here: bit.ly/QuantumFluidsPDRA or contact Dr Kali Wilson directly at kali.wilson@strath.ac.uk
The post is for 24 months in the first instance, and there is a possibility for extension based on the availability of further funding. The closing date for the post is Friday 17 November 2023.