Post-doctoral position in theoretical ultra-cold atomic physics

For the MPG funded project “Tunable complexity with Rydberg impurities in Bose-Einstein condensates” and the prospective CEFIPRA funded project “QWalker” the group of Dr. Sebastian Wüster is seeking post-doctoral candidates.
We will theoretically investigate two topics: (i) the physics of highly excited Rydberg atoms within a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), (ii) quantum transport in Rydberg networks. The candidate will be expected to help guiding students in the group and survey or develop quantum mechanical methods for the numerical modelling of the system described above. For (ii) we will explore the application of Neural Network to the reconstruction of open quantum system dynamics.
The salary is according to experience, in the range Rs. 48000 - Rs. 54000 including HRA. The position is initially available for one year, and may be extended up to two or three depending on performance and funding. Please see ad on webpage for further details and prerequisites.