2-years postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowship in numerical simulations of cold atoms in optical lattices

A 2-years Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship is available at University Paris Diderot in Paris intra-muros to work on numerical simulations of Bose-Fermi mixtures of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. The candidate must satisfy the following mandatory criteria :
- PhD degree in Physics obtained not earlier than 1st January 2016
- some experience in numerical simulations of condensed matter models (mean field, DMRG, or Monte Carlo)
- geographic mobility : not being resident in France for more than 12 months over the last 3 years
Interested candidates satisfying the above conditions are invited to contact me as soon as possible at giuliano.orso@univ-paris-diderot.fr.
Personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/giulianoorso/