PhD Positions: Atom-photon interfaces for fibres and photonic chips

Efficient atom photon interfaces are the basis for quantum computers, fibre networks or miniaturised quantum sensors. Photons are ideal systems to create entangled states or to carry quantum information, while atoms are well suited for information storage or to mediate interactions between photons.
This experimental project aims to create an interface based on a cloud of cold atoms trapped in a micrometre sized hole in an optical single mode fibre. This system can be combined with a fibre cavity and reach the strong coupling regime. We will also expand this concept to two dimensions (photonic waveguide chips), which currently have been very successful for photonic structures, such as interferometers and photonic quantum simulators, but where atoms have not been included so far. The PhD project will extend our existing system, where we are currently trapping a cold cloud of ceasium atoms in a 30 micrometer hole and measure the absorption profile of resonant photons.
The project is part of a European collaboration including theoretical, experimental and photonic engineering projects with partners from Vienna, Berlin, Rostock, Odense. The PhD student will benefit from the research team in Nottingham (experiment: L. Hackermueller, theory: I Lesanovsky) and regular meetings of the consortium.
The PhD program at the University of Nottingham offers postgraduate courses (through the Midlands Physics Alliance Graduate School, mpags) as well as regular summer schools and workshops. The group is part of the Midlands Ultracold Atom Research Centre (MUARC), which brings together theoretical and experimental researchers from Birmingham and Nottingham in the areas of cold atoms, quantum optics, quantum information and condensed matter physics.
Benefits include a taxfree PhD stipend (currently 14553£ /year), paid tuition fees for EU/UK students and a travel grant.
We welcome applications from highly motivated students with a strong background in quantum physics and a passion for experimental physics. The start date will be 1st of August 2018.
If you would like to work on cutting edge physics in an international research team consisting of a postdocs and PhD students, please contact Dr. Lucia Hackermueller ( asap.