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Synthetic Quantum Magnetism workshop

Quantum magnetism, as it results from interactions between spin degrees of freedom, lies at the heart of many intriguing phenomena of condensed matter physics, like itinerant ferromagnetism, spin-liquid behavior of localised spins, or unconventional superconductivity. Recently there has been enormous progress in the experimental realisation of quantum magnetism in highly tunable engineered quantum systems such as trapped ions and ultracold atoms and molecules.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians to discuss the status and the prospects of investigating magnetism in these new experimental platforms. Topics include ƒIon traps, Ultracold quantum gases, Ultracold molecules, Rydberg-excited atoms, Dipolar atoms, Optical-lattice Mott insulators, Orbital excitations in optical lattices, Magnetism with spinless lattice bosons, Spinor-dynamics in Bose and Fermi gases, SU(N)-symmetric interactions, Floquet engineering in shaken lattices, Quantum simulation, and Many-body quantum dynamics.

Scientific Coordinators:
André Eckardt (MPIPKS Dresden)
Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences )
Ian Spielman (Joint Quantum Institute)
Masahito Ueda (The University of Tokyo)