Organizers (Directors):
Sungkit Yip (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Carlos Sa de Melo (Georgia Tech, Atlanta)
Andrea Perali (University of Camerino)
Christophe Salomon (ENS, Paris)
Local Organizer: Mikhail Kiselev (ICTP, Trieste)
The aim of this School is to bring together both leading scientists from all over the world to discuss current frontiers of research in ultra-cold atomic and molecular gases and young PhD students, postdocs, researchers working on ultra-cold gases. The program will focus on the analysis of novel quantum phases and quantum phase transitions in mono-atomic gases, mixtures of fermionic and bosonic atoms in traps and optical lattices and its applications to quantum information processing and metrology. In particular, ultra-cold gases have been used to simulate many known condensed matter phenomena such as superfluid-insulator transitions, BEC-BCS crossover, Anderson localization with unprecedented control. In addition, the ultra-cold atomic and molecular gases reveal completely new phenomena which are not possible to realize in standard condensed-matter systems, since interactions, hopping, dimensionality and temperature can be fully controlled in traps and optical lattices.
The School program will consist of 10 lecture mini-courses (3-4 lectures each) that pedagogically summarize the main challenges and recent results on each area. The lecture courses will be delivered by the leading experts in both theory and experiment in ultra-cold atomic and molecular gases. A computer based laboratory will be organized to make some practice on the numerical simulations of many-body physics of ultracold-cold gases, giving particular importance in this session to quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which are widely used in the context of ultra-cold atomic physics
Research conference on ultra-cold atomic gases as quantum simulators will follow the School.
• Ultra cold atomic gases – general theory; dipolar gases
• Optical lattices, BCS-BEC crossover
• One dimensional physics in- and out- of equilibrium
• Quantum Monte-Carlo methods for imbalance Fermi gas
• Dissipative transport in BEC
• Artificial gauge fields
• Resonant Fermi-Gases, Feshbach resonsnces, Efimov's states
• Quantum Monte-Carlo for many-body physics of ultra-cold gases
• Strongly interacting Fermi and Bose gases
• Ultra-cold gases out of equilibrium
G. Shlyapnikov (Univ Paris Sued XI, France)
T. Giamarchi (University Geneva, Switzerland)
N. Prokofev (UMASS Amherst, USA)
H. Stoof (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) *) to be confirmed
C. Salomon (ENS Paris, France)
M. Olshanii (UMASS Boston, USA)
R. Hulet (Houston, USA) *) to be confirmed
Z. Hadzibabic (Cambridge, UK) *) to be confirmed
R. Grimm (Innsbruck, Austria) *) to be confirmed
Summer School on Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Molecules
July 2, 2012 to
July 13, 2012
Location: Trieste, Italy