The Minerva workshop on Quantum Atom Optics will be held at the Princess Hotel, Eilat, from Sunday to Thursday, October 30 - November 3, 2005. The meeting is intended to bring together prominent researchers in the now fully-matured field of quantum degenerate gases on the one hand, and to facilitate interaction and research connections between young researchers from Germany and Israel on the other hand.Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to, quantum gases in optical lattices, Bose-Fermi mixtures, BEC-BCS crossover and molecular condensates, one-dimensional systems and solitons, and atom chips. The major underlying theme through these topics will be the many-body experimental and theoretical work, which has carried the field from 'nonlinear atom optics' where effective single-particle/semiclassical/mean-field theories are sufficient, to 'quantum atom optics' involving essential quantum-field description of experimental phenomena.
Abstract submission deadline: September 1, 2005
Early registration deadline: October 1, 2005.