The physics school will focus on the latest topics of current research and report on new trends in matter wave interferometry and related fields. Bringing together students with worldwide renowned scientists, the school will provide a broad overview of all the fascinating aspects of matter waves. Topics of the curriculum are:
Matter Waves Sensors
Fundamental Tests
Squeezing and Non-Linear Optics
Quantum Atom Optics
Matter Waves in Periodic Media
Tools for Matter Waves
Electron, Neutron, Atom, Molecule, Cluster
Top level speakers are Alain Aspect, Markus Arndt, Kai Bongs, Christian Bordé, Philippe Bouyer, Raymond Chiao, John Close, Pacome Delva, Jonathan P. Dowling, M. Fleischhauer, Kurt Gibble, Saida Guellati, Peter Hommelhoff, Massimo Inguscio, Mark Kasevich, Claus Laemmerzahl, Arnaud Landragin, Holger Müller, Joerg-Helge Mueller, Markus Oberthaler, Silke Ospelkaus, Herwig Ott, Luis Santos, Joerg Schmiedmayer, Flavio Vetrano.
International Research School on Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry
June 14, 2010 to
June 18, 2010
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany