The past two decades have witnessed the emergence and explosive development of quantum information science and technology (QIST), which requires concerted efforts from a wide variety of different disciplines including quantum physics, mathematics, computer science, information science, chemistry, material science, and engineering. The ultimate aim of QIST is to understand how fundamental principles of quantum physics, such as quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, non-locality, no-cloning theorem, no-signaling constraint, and so on, can be harnessed to perform important tasks that are classically formidable or impossible, e.g., to dramatically improve our ability to generate, store, process, transmit and acquire information. The flourishing of QIST will also provide more and more new insights into and substantial impacts on fundamental issues regarding quantum theory in particular and physics in general, say, a thorough understanding of quantum entanglement and the non-local properties of quantum systems. Although a great number of brilliant results have been obtained in the last few years, there still remain many open questions and mysteries, theoretical or experimental, which persist in challenging our understanding and imagination.
The International Conference on Quantum Foundation and Technology: Frontier and Future (ICQFT'06) to be held in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China on August 25-31, 2006 will bring together most active researchers in different branches of QIST from around the world, including many of the key scientists, to review remarkable highlights, present and discuss recent important developments and breakthroughs, and reflect on the challenges to be overcome in the future, from both foundational and technical aspects, so as to stimulate more rapid progress in this exciting field.
Conference Topics
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Quantum foundations
- Quantum information theory (quantum communication, quantum computation etc.)
- Physical implementations of quantum information processing (with photons, ions, atoms, NMR, solid-state devices, and so on)
- Quantum optics
- Cold-atom physics
- Condensed matter physics
Important Dates
- July 20, 2006 Abstract submission
- July 31, 2006 Notification of acceptance
- July 20, 2006 Registration via the conference website
- August 25, 2006 Registration
- August 26-28, 2006 All oral and poster sessions