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Gordon Research Conference on Atomic Physics

The Atomic Physics Gordon Conference has a long history of bringing together top researchers and future leaders in the fields of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. This Gordon Conference showcases the close-knit community in atomic physics, and is a well known venue for substantial and informal interaction between students, young speakers, and senior figures in the field. The conference always features a great deal of lively discussion during the sessions, but equally important are the spaces in between, where ideas move, collaborations form, and connections are made.

The Atomic Physics Gordon Conference moves with the frontiers of atomic physics, relating this discipline to the other branches of the physical sciences whenever possible. Recent session themes include precision measurements and spectroscopy, laser-cooling of atoms and molecules, quantum degenerate gases, quantum information science, quantum optics, laser science, ultrafast and high-field physics, atomic and molecular collision processes, tests of fundamental symmetries in nature, connections to condensed-matter physics, and applications to biophysics.

2007 Topics
  • Quantum Information
  • Degenerate Gases I
  • Degenerate Gases II
  • Condensed Matter Links
  • Precision Measurements
  • Atomic Interactions
  • Attosecond Physics
  • Quantum Optics
  • Bio-molecular Imaging
Application Deadline:

Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 10, 2007.