Quantum simulators relying on the coherent control of trapped ions, superconducting quantum circuits, cold atoms and molecules in optical lattices or reconfigurable trap arrays, and integrated quantum optics have become available and are operative in hundreds of different laboratories worldwide. These flexible and highly precise quantum devices present a unique opportunity to resolve outstanding problems in one of the least understood areas of quantum physics, namely, the dynamics of open many-body quantum systems far from thermal equilibrium. Unlike closed quantum systems, where the many-body extension of the Schroedinger equation is well-established, the accurate and efficient description of open quantum systems, especially beyond weak coupling and in the absence of memory effects, presents a formidable task. This conference brings together experimentalists working in different platforms with theorists pushing the boundaries of open quantum systems in fundamental quantum theory and in developing numerical methods, including quantum trajectories, density matrix renormalization and tensor network approaches. Exploring the paradigm beyond markovian master equations will be crucial for developing a comprehensive theoretical framework for the understanding of non equilibrium phenomena and formulating a thermodynamically consistent theory of open quantum systems for advanced materials and nanodevice design in quantum simulators.
Exploring Open Quantum Systems in Quantum Simulators
April 29, 2019 to
May 3, 2019
Location: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A.
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