Within the framework of the Simons collaboration on localization of waves, we organize a conference on the physics of disorder, transport and thermalization in quantum systems with an unexclusive focus on ultracold atoms. We will discuss localization phenomena with and without interaction. There will be tutorials on many-body localization and on the landscape theory of localization, talks and a poster session. The conference will be held at the Institut Henry Poincaré in the center of Paris on the 5th and 6th of October. Participants at all levels including students are encouraged to participate and to propose posters which could be transformed in short talks.
Organizers: Alain Aspect, Thomas Bourdel, and Vincent Josse
Tentative invited speaker list:
- D. Abanin
- R. Chicireanu
- D. Delande (to be confirmed)
- M. Filoche (to be confirmed)
- V. Galitski
- R. Kaiser
- B. Lecoutre
- B.H. Madhusudhana
- G. Orso
- A. Rancon
- G. Roati
- A. Sanpera
- P. Vignolo