The workshop will bring together experts in the field of quantum hybrid ion-neutral systems with controllable properties. This workshop will initiate a dialog about recent advances in many-body simulations with ultracold atomic and molecular gases coupled to one or more ions, novel species independent techniques of cooling and trapping, and chemical reactivity at the ultra-cold single-to-few ion limit. We will also discuss advances in the closely-related hybrid many-body system, namely, that of one or more Rydberg atoms embedded in a gas of ultra-cold atoms. Participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged. Please send a 1-page abstract for the program booklet by June 19. The abstract should be sent as a word (.doc) file or as a .pdf file via e-mail to
Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems
July 19, 2017 to
July 21, 2017
Location: ITAMP, Cambridge, MA