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Cavities have emerged as a powerful tool for material control, enabling new phases of matter, engineering dynamical processes in cold atoms and altering chemical reaction rates. At the heart of this potentially revolutionary technology lies the fundamental question: to what extent can quantum fluctuations of light be leveraged to control static and dynamical properties of many-body systems through cavities. To tackle this question, we seek to convene experts across diverse research domains focused on cavity-based material control. This interdisciplinary gathering aims to cross fertilize different disciplines with new methods and approaches. In particular topics of interest include: Identifying new avenues of material control using quantum light and addressing the potential and limitations of these physical processes. Exploring new “cavity” platforms such as surface plasmons, photonic crystals or other photonic structures capable of confining light and amplifying quantum fluctuations. Reaching new regimes of light matter coupling and entanglement. Elucidating novel physical phenomena unlocked in light-matter hybrid experiments and unveiling applications of cavities for quantum technologies.
Invited Speakers:
The list of invited speakers is regularly updated as we receive confirmations.
- Eugene Demler (ETH Zurich)
- Tobias Donner (ETH Zurich)
- Jayson G. Cosme (University of the Philippines)
- Jerome Faist (ETH Zurich)
- Angela Montanaro (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Hope Bretscher (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
- Vinod Menon (The City College of New York)
- Silvia Viola Kusminskiy (RWTH Aachen)
- Prineha Narang (UCLA)
- Simone Latini (TU of Denmark)
- Mohammad Hafezi (University of Maryland)
- Jamir Marino (JGU Mainz)
- Jörg Helge Müller (Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen)
- Philipp Kunkel (Stanford University)
- Darrick Chang (ICFO)
- Jörg Evers (UHH)
Scientific advisory board:
- Martin Eckstein
- Andreas Hemmerich
- Dieter Jaksch
- Ludwig Mathey
- Ralf Röhlsberger
- Nina Rohringer
- Angel Rubio
- Michael Thorwart
Local organising comitee:
- Hans Keßler
- Marios Michael
- Hector Pablo Ojeda Collado
- Frank Schlawin
- Jim Skulte