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Australian and New Zealand School on Ultracold Physics (ANZSUP)

The Australian and New Zealand School in Ultracold Physics (ANZSUP) is a one-week graduate summer school for students at Master level and beginning PhD students. When creating temperatures in the lab that are colder than outer space, the behaviour of matter is dominated by the laws of quantum mechanics. The ANZSUP summer school is aimed at providing graduate students with the relevant background in experiments and theory in the field of ultra-cold physics. This year's school will cover the following topics:

  • Laser trapping and cooling of ultra-cold atoms
  • Atom optics
  • Magnetism in quantum gases
  • Phase space methods and stochastic differential equations
  • Quantum physics and general relativity

Lecturers from Australasia and further afield will provide mini-courses on a given topic. In addition to lectures, we plan hands-on activities including a programming workshop in the computer language Julia.

List of confirmed lecturers:

Registration deadline: 14 December (extended). Scholarship deadline: 16 November.

Please see details on the event page