The aim of the workshop is to foster interactions between the condensed matter and quantum physics community, and will focus on big picture questions. The program will include plenty of time for discussions. Accommodation and full catering is included in the registration fee of AUD$600.
The workshop will address a number of topics in emergent phenomena, including but not limited to:
* Novel superfluids
* Topological matter
* Quantum magnetism
* Strongly correlated systems
* Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics
* Quantum turbulence
* Quantum thermodynamics
Confirmed speakers include:
Victor Galitski (Maryland/Joint Quantum Institute)
Michael Fraser (University of Tokyo)
Ulrich Zuelicke (Victoria University of Wellington)
Joachim Brand (Massey University)
Ross McKenzie (The University of Queensland)
The number of attendees will be restricted to 60-70. To be considered for the workshop you must preregister/submit an abstract before 19 September 2014.
Program committee:
Matthew Davis (Queensland), Kris Helmerson (Monash), Ben Powell (UQ), Chris Vale (Swinburne), Andy Martin (Melbourne), Michael Fuhrer (Monash), Alex Hamilton (UNSW).