The 2009 APS March Meeting will be held March 16-20, 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA. At the 2008 APS March Meeting, DAMOP sponsored 16 sessions, with nearly 200 abstracts. We expect that DAMOP will represent a similarly large presence next year. We will be sponsoring a "Tutorial" on "cold atoms in optical lattices", and Focus Sessions on "disorder in ultra-cold gases", "magnetism in ultra-cold gases", "number or mass imbalanced Fermi gases and BEC-BCS crossover", and "dipolar gases / cold molecules". Please consider nominating speakers for invited talks–in the past we have had great invited symposia, and this can only continue with active participation from the members of DAMOP. The program committee can only invite speakers who have been nominated. The call for abstracts will be put out in August, and will include details of how to submit an abstract and how to nominate speakers. The abstract deadline will be November 21, 2008.
The DEADLINE for contributed abstracts will be Friday, November 21, 2008 at 5 P.M. EST.
APS March meeting 2009
March 16, 2009 to
March 21, 2009
Location: Pittsburg, PA